ADHD Coach


“It is only this simple thing: to be in rhythm with life’s conditions and to be in tune with the infinite. And when one asks how one can arrive at being in accord with life instead of being frightened by life’s conditions, the answer is: by meeting it and observing it keenly, and then by trying to harmonize oneself for the time being with that condition, while the next effort is to rise above it if it is an adverse one.”

—Mastery Through Accomplishment

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Managing ADHD is a razor’s edge

Medicated, self-medicated, unmedicated, it is all a struggle to feel in-control, to feel you are succeeding

You (and me, and so many others) have been told to keep a planner, make lists, and focus. It’s grand and well-intentioned advice, but if it were easy to do any of those things, we wouldn’t be ADHD. Meds may be a great help (or they may not be), but meds don’t solve your problems for you—you still need to work out the *how* of managing all the things.

It’s hard to fix the car while you drive the car

ADHD management is like trying to fix your car on an endless road trip.  It isn’t just any car. It's a classic model without bells or whistles.  It has a questionable repair history, some hidden rust (probably), and wiring issues. There are no error codes to look up. There is constant maintenance required to function. Failure to do so can bring real peril on the road, or leave you stranded before you even pull out into traffic.  

But here’s the thing… You’ve got power in that motor, and a driver’s feel for the road. Get things running right, and you will enjoy a journey like no other. In preparation, there is real work to be done, but the payoff comes in building a life worth living enjoying the ride on the way to your choice of destination.

We get conflicting information from our doctors, pharmacists, and the media, and nothing feels like a long-term solution.

We take the meds, we try the apps, but nothing seems to work for long.  

Accommodations for work are few and far between.

Short-term solutions are all so… short-term.

  • Do you have a “planner problem”?
  • Can’t find the “right” app to solve everything.
  • Web forums are great, but are you making progress?
  • Wouldn’t it be refreshing to finally commit to something that won’t let you down?

The thing is, the path to managing ADHD is not just a matter of medicating and buying a planner;  ADHD affects every facet of your life. And everything affects everything else.

When you’re in control, you’re better managed in life. When your health is strong, you have less stress. A calmer, stress-free life means better relationships, better eating habits, and better work… can you see where this is going?

What if you could:

  • Feel better, naturally, every day
  • Feel energized by your daily actions
  • Ditch harmful habits and self-talk
  • Enjoy better, more honest communication & stronger relationships
  • Take on new challenges with joy, vigor, and enthusiasm
  • Feel in control of your own mental, physical, and emotional well-being

by doing this:

  • Checking in once a week with your ADHD coach
  • Reflecting on your progress
  • Reviewing new challenges
  • Discussing strategies
  • Implementing new approaches when the old ones fail
  • Committing to honest self-review.

Would it be worth putting in the effort to make that change?

What is judgment-free accountability?


ADHD comes bundled with shame, insecurities, and impulse-control challenges. This continuous emotional push-and-pull can make it hard to stick to a plan and fulfill our commitments to ourselves and others.  It is a terrible feeling to find that you are incapable of trusting your ability to follow through to achieve your desires.  It is an even worse feeling to “disappoint” others with well-meaning but failed promises.

With ADHD coaching, one of the main tenets is accountability, because it is HARD (not impossible) to build that consistency and reliability when executive function is compromised. If you aren’t behaving and achieving in the way that you truly believe you are capable, ADHD coaching helps fill that gap.

But here’s a key piece of this relationship, between you and me.  



Part One: Driver’s Manual (Foundations)

Part Two: Workshop Manual (Skills)

Part Three: Itinerary (Goals)

Mindfulness &

Clarity of Self

All progress begins with clarity of self and clarity of mind.  Learn to bring mindfulness to your daily actions— no grueling meditation sessions required!

Optimized Body

& Energy

Your body is the foundation of your available energy, both physical and mental. Small changes to dietary habits and sleep hygiene can bring big rewards.

Drive &

Aligned Purpose

If your work or lifestyle fail to line up with your values, you are almost certainly lacking meaningful progess. When things click in place, you will experience an whole new drive.



Getting “stuck” in unproductive mental states is a trap that is difficult to break from. Learn to get “unstuck,” and save yourself from days, weeks, even years of stagnation.

Having trouble with distraction from the work that needs to be done?  Find your sensory sweet spot, and you can make the most of even distractible environments.

Environmental &

Sensory Feedback

Continuity of

Self & Time

For many, time is a bit abstract, and successful, consistent, incremental progress is a challenge.  Master your time, and unlock your long-term potential to the fullest.

Connection with

People & Nature

In the end, it is building real connection with people, circumstances, and the environment that brings happiness.  These connections must be cultivated to thrive.

Goal Completion

Completing your most meaningful projects is a source of satisfaction hardwired into the human psyche. Take the mystery and uncertainty out of this process.

A Return to Flow

Not everything is about productivity and striving harder.  Flow is a condition of relaxed, meaningful  focus in the present.  This is where everything comes together.

Work With Me

If it isn’t already clear, there is no single, successful, ADHD solution for everyone.

You (and me, and so many others) have already been told to keep a planner, make lists, and focus. It’s grand and well-intentioned advice, but if it were easy to do any of those things, we wouldn’t be ADHD. Meds may be a great help (or they may not be), but meds don’t solve your problems for you—you still need to work out the *how* of managing all the things.

ADHD coaching bridges this gap, supporting the skills, mental models, feedback, and action plans that will help you complete the picture, and gain control of your life.

The Reliable Self flexible-coaching framework focuses on developing systems of success. I’ve drawn from my own experiences in Buddhist studies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, marketing, entrepreneurship, design, management, homesteading, home renovation, parenting, and publishing, to find approaches, mental models, and systems designed to make your ADHD Self one that you can rely upon.

I provide ADHD coaching in 45-minute, 1-on-1 coaching sessions at a consistent, designated time each week.  Every step of this coaching program is customized to your needs, as we work together to bring your best Self forward.  While the weekly focus of coaching will change depending on the most pressing matters at hand, my goal is to provide you with the resources and feedback you need to keep you on track to attain a successful & fulfilling ADHD life.

Coaching is an exercise in taking methodical steps from where you are to your desired future. If you are serious about making your goals a reality—and especially if ADHD is a part of your challenge—coaching can make an absolute world of difference in reaching the result you want, on a timeline you can trust,

Schedule below for a free 45-minute session with me to work out your goals, …

…and start on your path to a healthier, more fulfilled life.

Coaching is a deliberate, structured way to gain traction, from your smallest tasks to your biggest goals. The results are predictable, measurable, and life-changing. If you are ready to make a change but have struggled to reach your goals, you have come to the right place.

Schedule a coaching introduction, and see if it’s a fit

(No cost, no obligation)

It’s hard to fix the car while you drive the car.

I’m Jake Mayer.  A bit about me:

Jake Mayer, ADHD (&) Publishing Coach

I’ve been on an ADHD trajectory from my first “would do better if he applied himself” report card, through fulfilling careers in Chinese Medicine, sales, manufacturing, management, design, publishing, and coaching. My Interest has always included improvement and optimization, whether in wellness, business, productivity, or ultimately, in life and Self.

Hi!  I’m really glad you are here!




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